Did I slay?
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid!
How to pronounce this name?
Do people actually think Amy Schumer is funny?
32 M first place with no roommates
Before and after, do you guys think the color looks good? Also do the guitars look weird mounted like that?
Customers creating a hellish environment at an IKEA
22, Tokyo
What the hell is this
bad moms 101....that poor kid
(29)-(31) Got divorced & decided I had to work on myself
25M, Married, need advice to make this space cozier!
What's a kink that many people have but you find disgusting?
You will not get this minute back.
This chick I’m seeing has a fetish where she likes to pretend she’s a Roman slave girl, is this a normal fetish?
Thoughts on Mountain Dew Baja Blast
Anglerfish actual size
Country mumble rap
Honestly, I don’t know what to say lol
Gave a cute guy my number at the store.
16(not gay) what can i improve?
Okay I’ll bite.. WTF does this stand for?
I’m not messing with this guy
Girlfriend and I are attending an event and can't decide what looks best. The idea was to match wearing black with gold. She will be in a black cocktail dress with gold jewelry. Any advice would be appreciated.