Personally I think we need some more of the odd/alien looking Mobile suits.
What is the best Adzam design?( Daily OYW (re)design poll: Day 103)
Splatoon gameplay with mouse and keyboard.
He's too powerful, guys
For whoever asked me to draw the zeta plus
Things to do in Splatoon if you're too poor to afford a nintendo online membership?
Yes I'm left-handed
Because airplanes didn't exist in 2001.
What is your top three absolute favorite Joe Pesci performance?
I was asked to draw more mobile suits so here’s a GM
[OC] Turn A Gundam illustration
What's your favourite noise from cinema?
drew a zaku
This keeps getting recommended everywhere. Based on the kid's goofy face, it looks hilarious.
What's your favorite wacky/weird MS design?
Happy women’s day! Who’s your favorite female nintendo character?
Choose three of these Martin Scorsese films and the rest disappear forever! Which three are you choosing?
Our best look at Alien: Earth’s Xenomorph from SXSW
Which game is this?
Pick 3 robots to protect you, the rest will try to kill you
Why is this franchise called Bent Hen? Dude neither looks bent nor transforms into a chicken.
New post from Toby Fox!!! 🔥💯
Losercity couple
Name one actor whose movies you'll watch simply because they’re in it
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