Drum Notation
what size drumhead to get for snare???
Beginner set with no floor tom?
What are good activities to do while my neighbor drums?
Mic for band
Which stick is fake? Or are they both fake?
How do i make a drum set quieter so it’s not bothering the neighbors so much?
New home studio setup
Where do you (where should I) put a tambourine, and timbale (10")?
Pearl Pre-MLX kit
Best passive noise isolation headphones?
Seriously considering buying one of these. I’m just wondering what you guys think about it, and I’m also confused with why it has “pillow” in the title. Is it a pillow or a hard pad made of rubber-like material?
Accenting a double stroke roll with a single paradiddle
Need some input on sound dampening materials
I’ve been trying different tunings to get this kit to sing a more, mostly struggling with the 12” sounding kinda choked. How do you guys tune, any advice? It’s a low-end Pearl kit.
Examples of drummers who were fast/choppy as a youth and chilled out with age?
Overhead mic recs
Adjusting heights when using someone else’s drums
What case do I need?
Anyone have experience with Spaun drum sets? If so, what is your take?
Where can I find this part height adjustment thingy
London, where to go to make connections?
Need help mixing a demo. Any advice for mixing two-mic drums? (one kick, one overhead)
Hey Im in trying to find someone to do drums for my remote metal project
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