Huge Binder 360 Cards Collection Sells $3333 Promotion by eBay!
Pop 15 Expedition PSA 10 Dugtrio Sells $3000 Promotion by eBay!
Trophy Promo PSA 5 Kangaskhan Sells $35,000 Promotion by eBay!
Vs Series PSA 10 Karen's Umbreon Sells $3200 Promotion by eBay!
Best Bang for your Buck: Over-MSRP Booster Bundle Edition!
Got this in a trade, thoughts on long term going up or down where it's currently at?
Advice/Opinions on Purchasing SGC 9 Munch Eevee Scream Card for $425
Shadowless Zapdos
South Korea Says No to Bitcoin in Foreign Reserve
Loose Pokémon booster packs worth holding in 2025?
Is this worth anything?
Think it can get a 10?
Childhood holos
Why are Star Pokemon so valuable?
Pokemon Center Singapore and Pokemon Vending Machines Implement New Anti-Scalping Techniques for TCG Purchases!
Deoxys CGC 10 Rayquaza Gold Star Sells $20,000 Promotion by eBay!
1st Edition Base CGC 10 Blastoise Sells $6500 Promotion by eBay!
Should I open it?
10000k euros ready to be invested to Pokémon cards.Any suggestions?
Thoughts on TAG Slabs holding value.
What was the surging sparks of covid?
Is the Pokémon community toxic? I am new here.
Should I get an acrylic case for these for better protection?
Help please, does my random collection have any value?
Made a thread about how it took less than $2,000 for a YouTuber to buyout Mimikyu V and lead to a 130% price increase in a SINGLE DAY...fomo is real folks