Just arrived!
Best way to put on cologne?
Is turathi blue reaIly that bad?
What fragance are you using on your funeral?
Any suggestions for winter fragrances?
Super Dragões exibem tarja e levam assobiadela dos adeptos
Unpopular opinion as it seems: but I like the regular Allure Homme Sport more than the EE. Picked this up today.
Armeiro de 78 anos vendeu mais de 100 armas ilegalmente. Foi detido
Goldfield & Banks Ingenious Ginger
Is P3 Performance worth it?
My holy trinity.
Train from Lisbon to Porto?
Update: LV Imagination
Pick-up day!
What’s your SOTD?
Summer scents on a budget
Trouble doing OTA
Which is your favourite one from the house of Xerjoff ?
What is your SOTD?
Can’t decide, which one would you get?
Thoughts on this?
If this is in your top 5, what else is in your collection?
My collection