What do women even offer?
CMV: Rejecting men because they doesn't earn enough is not "shallow"
Being able to have sex at any time is still a privilege.
Most of someone's"personality" can't be changed.
Q4M: Do you believe that being vulnerable is sexy to women?
Why are women uncomfortable (or refuse) to date virgin men
Do women with brothers understand the struggles of men better
Many young men struggle because they internalize internet opinions
CMV: It's ok to break up or divorce, even if nothing is going wrong
Many men losing interest in women
Why do y'all think there are only 2 sex's
Guys here seem to want to berate women to choose better but then coddle undesirable men.
Let's say women's standards are too high. Now what?
Why are men unwilling to date single moms
Sex is a reward not an entitlement. So why are so many guys choosing to lament over the things they cannot change about themselves instead of maximizing the things that they can in order to court women?
Do conservative men prefer liberal women?
Q4M: Why don't males shoot their shot anymore?
Most young women don’t seem to care about the struggles of young men. If they claim to be it’s generally in a very dismissive self righteous way.
Is virgin shaming REALLY a high-school thing or it just seems so?
Why do you like "bro" spaces?
You can't complain about being lonely while failing to form/maintain social bonds.
Often the same women complain about men giving advice when they want empathy are the same women who can’t tolerate hearing men complain about life without him telling her how he’s going to fix his problems
The "Friend-zone" is often deliberate manipulation.
There should be a requirement to flair your sexual orientation when debating on this sub