⏳ 257 Days Left for CAT 2025 – Is It Enough time to Score 99+%ile?
And they say sl is better then aot 🤡, 14-15 yo old kiddo!! Aot is,was,will always a 🐐🐐
ronan won!! next: most GENIUS song?!
"Bhai itna mat soch, wrna ghar jaate jaate roh dega"
Glad I didn't fill the NMAT form and saved 5000😭😂
Bro Thinks Dropping Out From Baby IIM is a flex🫥
What’s your favorite barbecue scene? I’ll go first
I never registered but still got this. Has this happened to anyone else?
Done with MDI Interview - My best call
Recent chapters on his subreddit...
Give suggestions about IIM Mumbai sm
2023 MBA Admission Result Dates
I am in a dilemma guys. Please advice.
Glim query
Pls help!!!
Fu***ed up all my interviews. Which colleges have their form still open ?? CAT 84.5 7/7/8 acads
NMIMS Result!!???
Fc*k IIMs. I'm going to Gujarat University
Nmims receptionist!!
Alright, I would like to make a prediction.
Great lakes is a scam
Oh hell nahh!!
My first convert ☺️
We're in Top 10 Reddit🥳