Pre Order skins PS4
Some really goofy modifiers me and my friend made as a challenge in Hero Showdown
TV tournaments
Updated Tier list (how easy they are to learn) showdown edition
Hookswing parkour
- A level 25 vs MAX?!😯 @cristo0512
How good was Hendry?
Battlefront II
Do you hate people who ruin 1v1s in Hero showdown?
Can muscle growth disrupt scar tissue?
HVV Rage
*Leia is the best blaster for melting sabers* until you discover the block button, lol
Yoda mains?
How many maxes?
More Skins I Wish Were In The Game
Unlocked The Pre-Order Skins🫡
Im kinda new. Can anyone tell me why the matchmaking is so awesome in this game?
Obi Wan mindtrick
Sometimes, you just gotta let it happen.
Which hero has the highest ceiling?
Get better
How do I get the "Choose your path" achievement
All PlayStation players rn
Cue restoration? UK