Take one member of the band and create your dream Traveling Wilburys-like band around them.
What are some deceptively reliable cars that get recommended a lot?
what does uncle ruckus drive?
dont see alot of 1st gens here
What’s a Canadian Brand You Can’t Live Without? 🇨🇦
It’s a Canadian thing. Thrifted this today. Great stuff.
Need advice on Lift
What is the worst car made in the last 20 years in your opinion?
Best Value for $ Canadian Roasters
The smell of winning
A transcendent guitar solo played for just a few people at a quiet bar.
2nd Gen Tow Package?
My husband wants to start playing drums, how long until we can play together?
Canadian Beer?
Favourite guitar pickup?
Soft topper bed living
Any experience with the Magnaflow exhausts for ‘24 Tacoma?
X-Post from r/alberta. Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation has released their standardized designs for affordable homes, what do you think of the renders?
What do you think of the new Alberta-specific standardised home designs released by CMHC?
How much would it cost to own a used car in Toronto?
The best old fashioned recipe?
Worse whisky you've had.
what is the "easiest" hardest song for you?
Blackened neo folk or bands that where black metal to neo folk?
CanadaLife is astoundingly incompetent
Gone- but not Forgotten