Smoke Spot by the Lake
Was told to look at his brakes. It just needs an alignment right?
Dropped off my Toy Hauler at a permanent site at the beach, what are the top ten things I should do at a permanent site? My rules are I’m only allowed one 7x7 shed….
ICE leave empty handed as entire apartment complex refuses to open doors
What happened to my Creuset?
Paused WildCard Kitchen at the perfect moment to catch some evidence regarding the “use their own money” idea.
Girlfriend told another guy she thought he was hot while we were out drinking, How do I get over it? 24M 26F
WTF does this mean, and who paid for it? -spotted in the Dells
Are you smoking on Christmas Day?
As a man, what was the most uncomfortable conversation another man tried to start with you?
Did Hannah go on the show to become famous - Update via Dr. Kirk Honda #57
Update: I (28M) saw a text from my girlfriend's (27F) male coworker, saying that she has the "best in town," and not sure what to think?
You get a million dollars a year, but you have to eat 2 hots everyday for the rest of your life.
You woke up as your 5 year old self. What do you do?
What happened to the most attractive person in your HS/ college?
A woman gave herself poop transplants using her brother's feces to treat debilitating IBS. Then she started getting acne just like him.
Redditors who have “died” and come back to life, what did you see?
The Starbucks in my area closed due to no staff. Nobody has an explanation as to why… but we can all assume the answer.
Who was the worst student in your high school, & what did they do that was so bad?
IsItBullshit: Cats have a better sense of smell than dogs and the only reason we don't have forensic and search and rescue cats is because we can't effectively train them.
What insult have your parents said, that is stuck in your head as an adult?
does anyone else read and do math really fucking good when stoned?
🤔 found this one on Facebook
Three hots and a cot
Officer fired and charged with manslaughter after getting out of patrol vehicle and shooting unarmed man