Is anyone still playing X or 11?
Do ya'll also always have that one guy?
Other Divers can detonate you
Just wanna swing something big
Does this only happen to me?
How would a 3D printed door handle hold up?
Remind me again
I didn't think this through
Concrete reinforced bulldozer
anti tank rifle weapon idea
I want an anti tank rifle
KY Goods
I haven't played in 7 months
Do fire rates change based on difficulty?
If you had to vote for a most iconic weapon in the FC franchise, which weapon are you voting for?
What is your favorite item to collect?
Internet alternatives
Is an X-ray always required?
No on 2
What are the gas station gummy shark brands?
Stupid Question
I'm trying to find a decent-used ATV. I know this isn't FB Marketplace, but is there any particular model I should be looking for? Like 2000- to what?
Stupid question
Throw all your biases out the window, does the squad on the left or the squad on the right win?