Remote but need to fly to HQ once a month
Anyone else been forced to RTO after years of full remote recently and if so how did you cope?
Told our 2yo a full mattress on the floor was his "big kid bed," now considering converting his crib instead of buying bedframe. Will this sabotage getting used to a bed?
Vaccine Support & Encouragement
I’m considering switching my life insurance from 65 life mutual fund to term- thoughts?
My wife wants to buy $5.92/sqft peel and stick wallpaper for our sons ceiling. Why does this stuff cost so much? Should I just get divorced?
I’m rewatching from the beginning and boy howdy am I glad I am.
Banner Life Insurance thoughts?
How the hell do I open my doors while the engine is still running?
ADA accommodations?
RTO - Exceptions that worked
My boyfriend dosent have sex with me enough
Rant: Target registry welcome box
I REALLY want to see them at least try to change the past
Elliot’s mom
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
How to repair treasured drinking glass
The ending of the finale…
What is the best organic prenatal vitamin?
The Way Home Episode Discussion - S3E10 - If You Could Read My Mind
i was never a fan of a van, but idk, it feels like we have something here
Did massaging your round ligament pain help?
How many of you still wear a full duty belt (no vest) and do you have any advice on taking a #2 on duty.
What is a victimless crime you wouldn't feel guilty committing?
Questions about being a Cop’s Spouse