Season 2 delayed to April 17th
well…someone is cheating
What do LE players prefer…..
Poe2 is the cocaine of gaming
Please ask if moving S2 earlier is an option
Kurt Cobain’s face after listening to Charles Barkley butcher the SNL promo 😆
What is your favourite song from The Idol soundtrack?
Besides The Weeknd who else do yall listen to?
The Weeknd i mean Abel and RiRi don’t need help 😂
Are guys having fun so far in Season 7 ?
Damn I would cry if Nav was on the album
What ever happened to white dog poop from the 90’s?
What is your favorite and least favorite Weeknd mixtape/album cover?
Better artist Bruno Mars or The Weeknd ?
Im quiting the game!!
What’s the best song from Abel to cope with a breakup?
The ULTIMATE Tesfaye Hierarchy (updated)
A Message from the Mod-Team
Tomorrow this will say “There are 1,000,546,897 people ahead of you
What is everyone’s highest damage output
Path of Exile 2 Early Access Keys Giveaway
Yesterday’s stream had the ARPG community like
The worst part about the elixir bug was watching people have fun.
Who did it all for the Nookie back in 99 ?
Enjoyed Vessel of Hatred a lot, but found it a bit short for a 40 € expansion.