What is the thing that you can do for long hours without getting bored?
Looking for some similar niche rock bands that aren’t super heavy.
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Is there any 2021 players here?
I’ve had my first pair of Crocs for nearly 20 years. How long have your oldest pair lasted you?
Replacement Pillows Needed
Sony MDR V6 Headphones
What songs MUST be played back to back?
What’s the one attribute you wish people knew about you?
Which Mountain Dew flavor is king?
What's your funeral song?
Happy Birthday to me!!💕
This storm ain’t playing around.
What's your favorite "Old people" candy?
If you had to guess, which single food have you consumed the most calories from in your life?
What made you gained a significant amount of weight?
New Here! What's One Reddit Tip You Wish You Knew Sooner?
What’s the weirdest song you know? I’m talking about pure sonic wtfisms. I’ll judge it harshly
Second time this happened to me. Yay, I guess?
What song gives you chills every time you hear that one moment?
When Did We Stop Rocking At Shows
Cherry ginger ale
Songs Muse might not play live again (or ever)
What SNL skit have you watch over and over?
Upscale restaurant with kid’s menu CBD or FQ