Reminder: Michelle Pfeiffer whipped the heads off those four mannequins IN ONE TAKE to thunderous applause from the Batman Returns crew!
This pup is living it’s best life
Discusión random semanal
I'm really here for the flamboyant T Rex
Hace you head about the "Seed Cathedral"
Preservando la memoria chilena: extractos de los cuadernos de mi abuelo
Rescatando la memoria chilena: fragmentos de los cuadernos de mi abuelo
Stephen Fry is a British actor, writer and comedian. He declared that "Everyone is an atheist"
Michael Keaton and Tim Burton having fun figuring out how Batman uses a phone (1992)
Bryan Lewis Saunders has been documenting his experiences with different drugs and intoxicants in the form of expressive self-portraits
Los cuadernos de mi abuelo: historias y aprendizajes
Compartiendo los escritos de mi abuelo
Scientist Adelbert Ames created the mind boggling "Ames Window"
Que les parece este poema que escribí a pedido, alguien se lo mando a su polola, y a mi me mandó cinco lucas. Y después dicen que no es rentable ser poeta
Jupiter through an Orion XTB Telescope
🪻 My Grandfather's Legacy
5 year old son wanted to give his dog a Spawday
"My best friends are balls" by Jen Jenivive