I thought you guys would appreciate this
Trying to find an old Danny video
My love mix-up
What's the difference between 하지마 and 그러지마
하지마 vs 그러지마
Where should I start
Where can I start
someone juiced my starbursts
What exactly does 거야 mean/do
What's going on with the dobre twins
Free websites?
I hope someone gets why I put this here
What instead of drama cool
he finally arrived 🫡🫡
Stinky guy
Favorite of Danny’s songs
I just found out this guy exists and i think i'm obsessed already
pick an artist and i’ll give you one of my fav songs
What got you into Danny Gonzalez?
looking for a video
What's up you beautiful guy
I might have locked myself put of the monorail quest
When do I use 고 싶다 vs 고 싶어요
One question i have for all gregs: orange juice or apple juice?