Where do college aged people hangout in the hill country?
Everyone always thirsting on here, but I want to know…
I keep dreaming about him.
I am F21 wanting some advice on grocery shopping
I am F21 going through a possible break for the first time with my M24 Boyfriend and I am not sure what to do.
Therapist literally said they couldn't help me because "I am doing good"
I need advice
I keep seeing him in my dreams and I want to know what it means.
Is there a decent Harpy race mod???
I am unsure on what to do in this situation.
Does anyone know what Kagha's hair style is called or how to do it?
Having trouble connecting to a Tav for a second playthrough.
Wanting advice for how to deal with chronic illness symptoms as a CNA.
I can't stop worrying about the possibility of cancer and being pissed at the doctor I saw.
Future CNA here and just wanting to know some advice in general 🤷
What are these 'spots' on my arms?
Made Two paint combos based off of my favorite (and probably the most common) finch breeds!
Is there something similar to Better Help, but cheaper?
How to start doing Yoga at home? Any tips for my specific issues?
Eat Healthy
Is herbalism and crystal work actually sinful?
Do you prefer earlier or later seasons?
My boyfriend normally gets me Orchids instead of roses. Does this mean anything specific?
I have no idea what to do next.
Just feeling a little lost and afraid.