Is social sandbox still a thing?
What happens when a person doesn't tip in a restaurant in the US?
I’m so sexually frustrated/touch starved and I am too socially inept to solve it
Ne verujem... Tražite nazad povređene, ovde nisu sigurni.
Nepomenik dodiruje golom rukom životno ugroženog pacijenta na intenzivnoj nezi (FOTO)
How come Russian economy is still functioning despite all the sanctions imposed on it by America and Europe?
Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador
Jel došao novi trend da su curama privlačni mlađi muškarci?
Нека си ебат матер
Da li sam u pravu što me ovo brine? On misli da nisam.
Can someone have depression from childhood onward and never be able to get rid of it?
Да ви се мочам во врските!
Will women sleep with an ugly man who is funny?
my position on the "male loneliness epidemic" as a lonely male.
Мал rant околу можностите за (себе)вработување во државава
What to do if my gym trainer is a bit too touchy near my thighs ?
He soft blocked me after seenzoning him
Ne mi se zivee
Advice to the younger folk out there feeling lost. Life lessons.
Why is bodyshaming okay when it happens to men?
Am I doomed to fail as a quiet and shy man?
Money doesn't buy happiness. Does that mean we shouldn't earn money, or should we strive for a better financial life?
Confidence and dating
Muskarci koji dangube po kafanama, komsiluku, kladionicama...?
For anyone who is younger than 25 and in a hopeless place... I have Autism and I was the weird shy insecude kid who got bullied. Now I'm here to tell you it is possible to improve and make friends.