On That Wholesome Grind
High on Meth
Half off haircuts
me watching the k-on movie
Do the Orcs and Draenei of Azeroth consider it home?
How would you like it if healer gameplay was 50% defensive/ 50% offensive instead of 10% offensive/ 90% defensive?
I don't think many have seen this pic. From Celebration several months ago. The two bros together for a pic.
What bending power would you chose ?
Meanwhile, in the rogue class order hall...
What's with the hate for Cataclysm. Please Blizzard, give us Cata classic.
WoW Burning Crusade Midnight Launch in LA 2007
What human heritage armor would look like if it was in the cash shop.
what my hopium had me thinking orc heritage would look like.
A late Present
Lore not consistent with previous expansion
At what point in Anakin’s life would he have been at his most capable in 1v1 combat?
Post 10.0.5 Warriors right now
Military conscription
Which scene, picture, art, meme etc. introduced you to K-On long before you started watching?
What was Mugi about to do?
"I am Arthur, King of the Britons!"
Are you a Parent?
They have to be joking? Right? Right?
With SOM realms closing soon, what can we expect from Blizzard?
I need Vanilla WoW in my life