Character's name doesn't match their personality or traits
Enjoy an incorrect opinion.
Character duos or groups whose individual names put together create another name or phrase
Cartoon Network Cartoon Tournament 5#
Pillow and Pie are eliminated! Vote to eliminate ONE peraon from AYO and TSTOE. (Read caption.)
BFB decided by r/BattleForDreamIsland! (Part 21, Death P.A.C.T. UFE) [VOTING SYSTEM IN DESCRIPTION]
Most recent tyler song you listened to. Or else tyler dies.
Mothers who are terrible people
When asking most people, we decided pie was a nice middle sandwhich, not the best, not the worst! But what's the character we need to see more of?
When asking most people, we decided everyone can share as must love as they want! But what is the most neutral/indifferent character?
Chromakopia Elimination Game: Round 4
When asking most people, we decided the worst bfdi character was Pillow. But what is the character people think deserves more love?
One has to go.
Okay, let's do TPOT but it's Vote to eliminate! Now vote to eliminate a Death PACTer!
Cartoon Network Cartoon Tournament 2#(+New Participant)
Chromakopia Elimination Game: Round 3
Series that became memes, but not because they're bad
Chromakopia Elimination Game: Round 2
Chromakopia Elimination Game: Round 1
Whats a popular cartoon that you genuinely just don’t get the hype around?
Characters who leave the show within the show
Female characters that the audience is supposed to sympathize for but, because of questionable writing decisions, they instead become very controversial or hated by the fandom
I drew the Rizzler as Chowder...
Non-common hair colour characters who lost/saw their parents dying as a kid.
And with that we’re done!