Tell me your clear speeds! (pls 🙏)
champs who generally take grasp, what do they take in jg?
Kayn Build
Secondary role
Who do you ban
Kayn top, no proxy
Played Gnar for the first that is a hard champ
Is Ezreal deceptively good as an ADC jungle?
Morgana damage build?
Champions similar to Jax
What the hell happened here
What do you think is the best champ for soloing objectives?
Talon Jungle
Battle Academia Kayn
Darius jungle is phenomenal
Which one of you has been playing Zyra Jungle LMAO
LoL on controler for pc?
"Never gank a loosing lane"
Does fated ashes damage stack?
Most safety ADC
Lichbane components are absolutely dogsh*t and feels really bad to buy
Non One Trick Youtuber
What do I do when I'm behind?
What is considered a good winrate right now?