Is the battle of the gullet the closest thing to a tie ever?
(Spoilers Extended) There are 10 Targaryens that share half their DNA with Betha Blackwood and only one of them had slightly similar hair.
Genres which aged so poorly that they've never experienced a nostalgic revival?
Our entire universe squeezed into one image
Did they really win?
Cuck elf
[Spoilers Main] [This is a long one] Uncomfortable implications about slavery in Daenerys' Essos arc, and real-world history
( Spoilers Main) who in Westeros would actually be fun to hang out with?
What makes you think that Jon is the Prince Who Was Promised and not Daenerys? [SPOILERS MAIN]
Books with Epigraphs from In-Fiction Books
(Spoiler's Extended) Lyanna's Ghost: My prediction on the importance of Elia Sand in The Winds of Winter.
(Spoiler main) Jon Snow would be the most sought after bachelor in Winterfell
Why do dragons only understand high Valyrian?
(Spoilers Extended) In what regard did the show muddle the general perception of some characters from the books?
Eighth Round - morally grey & hated by fans
[Main Spoilers] what's your unpopular HOTD opinion
What do you think truly happened between Jacaerys and Sara Snow?
Is Jon really the Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne?
You are a peasant in Westeros. How high could you rise?
Jaehaerys was either sexist or just very practical
Jon Snow's stint as King in the North was such a wasted opportunity.
[Spoilers AGOT ACOK ASOS] How is Edmure fine with Robb being named king in the trident?
Do bastards have privileges that their highborn siblings might envy?
(Spoilers Main) What was the worst offense of the show? Aside from season 8 and 7.
Is Illyrio setting up Dany as fAegon's rival, or as his future spouse?