I’ve heard about the heartburn and the farting… but OMG the BURPING?!?
Current cravings
Men at the shower
Food at your shower
Nickname ideas?
I’m pregnant but I don’t feel pregnant…?
We listen and we don't judge - Pregnancy edition
Show me your favorite void pose!
john mole & natasha una’s first child just grew into a young adult and look how gorgeous she is!
Genuinely couldn’t stand her sometimes
Help me decide spelling?
Calling moms “mama”
How did y'all go to work at first trimester?
We listen and we don't judge (pregnancy edition)
So sleepy
When did you tell your employer?
Pelvic rest
Proctors are getting worse
Is 4 weeks too early to tell family?
First timer- please help!
Eliza after divorcing Bob ol lame ass
Found in a library book a few years ago