How old would your grandparents be if they were still alive today?
Why do some people love loud cars?
Hey. Over 60s. Don't leave your kids high and dry.
When I was a child I always wondered why when people get older they seem unhappy!?
Saw this the other day
Are old people the new target group?
'66 Spring Break Fort Lauderdale
Why do people back into parking spaces?
Just found out my Dad has a Mistress and he's a bishop.
Is it wrong that I pray while lying down?
Random cat keeps digging my garden bed and pooping in it
Almost didn't notice this little guy before getting in bed.
RIP Eaglet #3 - see text
Folks tell me the truth Does it stick out too much?
Fuck it
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Redditors, would we like you in real life? And why/why not?
How many generations are you away from the 1800s?
Are you still sleeping in the same bed with your partner?
My mom is dying
Women over 60: are you still having sex? Enjoying it?
You wake up tomorrow with $10 million but no one can know. What do you do first?
Staff denied her boarding onto a flight cause she was intoxicated...and then she does this
Whelp, my doctor definitely looked at my data and knew about me tweaking settings
Socks on or off while sleeping?