can you please pray for Poppy?
new cat is terrified please help
new here - say hi to Peppers! :)
I kind of like this sound
How smart is your conure?
My girl lost her babies. I dont know what to do.
starting to worry he might take off and fly away...
Show me your birbs!
Name suggestions for my baby amazon
What's your Birbs name?
new birb! name ideas?
New Quaker
is this normal?
could this be molting or is it more likely something serious?
Jailed. Banned. Horrible horrible prisoner. No chance of parole or release.
I have so many questions on personal hygiene and intimacy and I'm too afraid to ask...
Lets see your cats cursed photos
why is my kitten eating cardboar
Is this poop indicative of anything?
Comment your bird and I'll doodle them for you!
So it's been 4 days... Please help :/
Bought him home six hours ago. He pooped a lot, but the crop’s roughly the same size?
lol… what is this ???
mom was abyssinian - what happened there? 😆
this is really petty but...