Er denne her jævla sterk eller? Advarsel du? Er da faen ikke så gale?
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New Amex card owner but wondering how to use Priority pass
Hvor man finner mexicanske varer som tomatillos?
Is it fine to go party in a country where the neighboring country is at war?
Aurora View
Yazidi girl kidnapped by ISIS in 2014 at age 11 reunited with her family after being rescued from Gaza
Why are ceremonies so expensive
Beste restauranter i Oslo som ikke tømmer lommeboka og har gode porsjoner?
What is the most overrated country/city in your opinion?
My SaaS makes $25,122/mo with a 67% profit margin: full breakdown
Happiest places you've been to or recommend?
It’s been 32 years since last trip
Can’t connect to WiFi
Considering ~4 weeks in Mexico in December, debating between Oaxaca and Mexico City, or both (~2 weeks each). Any opinions or thoughts will be appreciated!
Remove MANY insta followers fast?
AITA for not telling my boyfriend that his ex cheated on him?