How is this possible?
Question about IP infringement
The halving spiral has never crossed itself
What no longer available feature do you miss the most?
Tesla India in April?
Tesla (TSLA) Plans Affordable Model Q Launch with Competitive Pricing. Is this legit?
Bitcoin's market cap is tiny next to the world’s largest assets.
How is this not bannable? Blitz RBG at its finest
How is this not bannable? 2.4k mmr blitz, clear troll from healers. I received 8M heal as FC
Calling the top on $TSLA. Change my mind
Tesla investor Ross Gerber says he's been dumping the stock because no one wants the company's cars or robots
Would you sell your bitcoin?
Alt-aholics, what's the class you cant stop making more of?
What MMO does exploring best?
21 Million isn't just shared by 8 billion people, it is also shared by past people and all future people.
What should I name him?
Tesla reports disappointing earnings for second quarter as revenue rises 2%
Who’s the most hated professional LoL player of all time?
Don't wanna hear anyone complain about ADCs not being able to carry.. Emerald/Plat game
Daily Discussion, July 07, 2024
Sold all my Tesla shares.