Dude is it logical to watch anime but not watch western anime
As a 24 year old going on 25 I don’t know how to feel about getting more likes and matches from 19-20 year old girls
Why don’t people like these topics on the actual Tinder/Hinge subreddits
I take it I gotta stop resetting my profile
Does this sound like an interesting action comic plot
Do you think it’s just a coincidence or does she just use black men
Sometimes you just have to go where you’re wanted
Do you think Irish women and American women dress the same?
What happens whenever an attractive girl dares to ask for a profile review here
Literally what always happens when a girl asks for a profile review on Reddit
Best way to handle this situation
If a gym is always packed at 7pm, why does everyone go at 7pm knowing it will packed
I’ll never forget when 17 year old me bought a bracelet for a girl and this happened
Got into a premium trading group for free through a friend but I don’t really know what I’m doing, what’s the best way to utilise it?
The biggest con about going to college in your mid/late 20’s definitely the time you’ll never get back
Need some advice before I make any decisions on education ?
Need some advice before I make any decisions on education
How old were you when you first felt comfortable sleeping in the dark?
What would you do if a ticket inspector threw your ticket back at you
What’s that worst racial experience you’ve encountered in Europe
Stalked my work crushes TikTok and I regret it
Did I mess up?