Is it emptying me? (Wearable pump)
How are you managing to exercise?
Bittersweet moment that should have been a wonderful moment
Is my milk “wrong”?
Tell me something positive
Please help me understand these pumping principles 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Baby Given Formula in the Hospital
Welp, 4oz down the drain
Y’all it’s exhausting.
Colief (lactase enzyme)- HELP please 🙏🏽
Power pumping everyday for long stretches - helpful or not helpful in increasing supply?
4 months..
How do people do this???
I miss my old self and I’ve started to resent my husband
Baby Brezza formula pro
My husband wants me to stop pumping!!
I don’t recognize myself 😭
HELP! Traveling while EP
How are you guys reading books to your newborns? Come on...
Undersuppliers, this is for you! Thinking about getting a wearable?
How are moms actually functioning?
Yellow green poop with mucous
Where does your newborn sleep?
Exercise post c-section
How did your baby handle going from combo feeding to just formula?