Selling Spartan Collection Lot
Can’t wait to put my collection up for display
New pickup
G14 2024 Screen Question??
Some weird guys I have
Where Can I Find a Replacement Battery
Can someone explain to me what the status is of the Spartan Collection and Jazwares' Halo line in general?
Spartan Collection Halo 3 Chief
More of my Collection
My mcfarlane Elite collection grew today
Selling: Is Anyone Interested?
What a steal. 60 bucks, 30 each.
Some of my Collection
Spartans Never Die
Saw a post about this and oh Well I got it
I was lucky enough to find Alice, the only Halo figure they had, at my local GameStop!
Best mail day ever!
Found a mega blocks Cortana
The new and old UNSC Elephant
Meet me outside bro
Ready for Comic-Con this weekend!