The twins bedroom renovation anxiety
Needed a break from life..
What does the snark community think about her enablers suggesting ‘great ways’ for Colleen to make extra income?
F has started vlogging now?
i'm sorry but what the hell is this filter
Honestly I am speechless that this is what Jordan does in his free time
Podcast is extra extra bad this week with their fight
Secondhand Embarrassment Continues
What happened to Milena over the years ?!
There is so much wrong from this one video…
Actually so surprised to see all 3 dogs on her instagram story
Colleen reacting to HBO with F
4 week old has this rash!?
Product Reccomendations
A year after TGT and she is still just as immature
Bruh what is she doing
Summary of “Cringy Adult Woman Gets Excited About Slime”
Hair tracks?
More variety would revive her YouTube.
Do we really think they’re building a basketball court?
I’ll take “People who have no business getting more animals” for $200 please
Lolllll wtf
You cannot co sleep with a swaddled newborn!! 😬😬
okay but why is she posting her literal babies eating popsicles