Which princess jellyfish keychain should I get? I’m so indecisive😭
love this meme
Who is this ? (Wrong answers only)
What is your the least favourite shoujo? Why do you don’t like or hate it ?
What is your favourite quote or phrase by Morrissey?
Which songs/albums are really cool, but underrated and could be forced easily?
It would be interesting if people didn't have a fixed sexual orientation and we could fall in love with anyone without any preferences limiting us. Imagine how much freer and more diverse relationships could be in such a world.
“They have mental issues. I can help them” - experience. Have you ever experienced the relationship where you had strong mental issues and it partner thought that they can “save” u? Or vice versa? What was the outcome of your relationship?
Let’a talk about Caitlyn’s outfits. What outfit is your favourite and why?
Who would also have these boxers in arcane?
Arcane MILFs Tier List
Have you ever thought that gender identities and sexual orientations are all attempts to superficially define oneself in society?
I broke my Nana/Hachi cake, so there is only Hachi 😭😭😭
April is coming
I’m a new fan of Arcane, I just finished episode 3 of season 1, and oh my… I actually shed a tear. If that’s just the third episode of season one, I can only imagine how amazing the rest of the show is!!! God I love this show so much now!!!!!
I wish there were a female alternative to the word "bro"
they have so much in common!💥
if Riot games released a spin-off on arcane, what characters (or events) would you like to see the story based on?
“Veil”(Kotteri!) is a synonym of gentle love
that's just a ... hat, am i right?
did you really think i needed all the guards at the hexgates?
I have a theory guys
Calories in this bowl of bannna grapes and blueberry?
What can u say about me based on my arcane crushes?💋