My camera is now attached at the hip
Could someone colourise this picture of my late nan? £5 tip
How much do you focus on composition?
Yesterday was a bad photoday - Made 300 shots and this is the only picture i like
Have I left too much space beneath him?
My top 10 from my first month of photography!
People of Japan, A7cii (24-105)
Does the leading line work? Or is it distracting?
Which do you prefer?
My top 10 from February
Think I'm getting the hang of it
I'm back (and I'm obsessed :))
Can't stop taking pictures :)
Think I'm getting the hang of this
A day out in the fields
Just got my A6400!
Newest shot & edit, Thoughts?
Indian politician boasts about getting Muslims killed – on camera
Eating a rose, watercolour, me, 2022. A couple of hours work compressed to one minute
True happiness
Why did Batman stop using the XE suit after Origins?
IMDB has added a separate entry for the Ultimate Edition of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice on its site.
Two-Face Fancast - Ben Barnes
Some gems from tiktok