I’m taking that thousands claim with a fraction of a grain of salt. Considering the literal LAW in place. We calling BS or buying tickets to kids movies and sneaking into the higher age rated ones?
I finally snapped…
Am i the wrong for laundry??
My mom is dying
How do I tell my husband that his mom is destroying my mental health?
Nmom wrote me a registered letter that she’s dying
Rocket is 100% all the time. Bullet doesn't care either way.
We can’t save the new supplies
No cause wait in line for your turn…
Do you let Nparents send your kids gifts?
What’s the best depiction of nparents you’ve seen in film or TV?
I want to watch an extremely disturbing movie
Ndad feels insulted by my boyfriend and gave me an ultimatum to choose between them
is my mother a narcissist or am i a bad child?
Scam Alert
Anyone here with a cop or lawyer ex? Let’s talk about how abusers grab real power
My Mom Wants Me To Respond to Texts Right Away or Freaks Out
How come I feel calmness when I am in contact with my next, but feel nauseous / panicky / etc when I'm not?
I just watched Mortal Kombat for the first time since seeing it in the theater 1995. It is the most '90s thing I've ever seen. It was awesome!
The History of Terminator 2 Judgment Day - arcade documentary
comeback classics
Flinstones Lucky Egg Machine “A prize every time”
my friend thinks a group of 10 men could kill a silverback gorilla with their bare hands, if they went for the gorilla's eyes and testicles, is it realistically possible?
This is not hopeful news right?
Who remembers Pocket Poker & Pocket Slots