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Large study shows drinking alcohol is good for your cholesterol levels | There are many risks from drinking, but high cholesterol doesn't seem to be one.
Drilling into intercooler?
How long would it take to fill the Grand Canyon… with pee?
RIP The Worm
There is a world war 2 plane that’s remains are still on Mt Tam. I went there at night, and things got weird.
Two People Handling a Potentially Deadly Near Miss in the Most Civilized Way
TIL Lobsters urinate from their face. They also piss on each other's face to communicate social status
Japanese firefighter training is kinda crazy.
What is a conspiracy that seems way too far fetched , but actually turned out to be true ?
Reminder to no longer shop at MAGA owned Marin businesses
Clearing storm over the city ...
Jasmine Crockett says illegal immigration 'is not a crime' | Fox News Video
Cops on 280 be like:
Old school Donkey Kong champion needed to help Prater Rd. Princess Peach
A starved boy from a village in Ukraine during Povolzhye famine, 1921-22. [1200×1278]
Know when to fold em
Finally got my hands on a Super Blackhawk
Running Boards
Stunner of a bike.
Friendliest neighborhoods in Marin?
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Birthday Hike
Anton looking snazzy