Ps5 flickering. Has this happened to anyone? Can I fix it?
Bit of an over reaction if you ask me.
A cop smokes seized evidence, turns out to be fentanyl and overdoses, partner cop has to hit him with narcan
Increase in abandoned vehivles
Unless you are a masochist then maybe
I dont even have a license
Playing with fire
Big Nile crocodile gives a warning bite to a trainer
Guys, I'm happy to share with you the process of creating Freyna! I'm proud!
Death Stranding moment
From NatGeo
I swear I’m trying
Has anyone noticed BT families?
I just got lethal weapons, but wouldn't using them be a bad idea because dead bodies cause voidouts, or am I misunderstanding voidouts?
100 000 dollar question
I’m still struggling and I hate it
falling man gets pierced by a pole
BT’s from the void?
The main character/s of the last TV show or movie you watched have to come to Harran to save you, how screwed are you?
How did the merchant get his hands on Tank ammo (or whatever this is supposed to be)?
Genuinely couldn’t stand her sometimes
Nice day for a ride
Why did I lose points for this? The f*ck is Gwen gonna do?
I didn't think this game was going to be this emotional
I’m an idiot who cut my sled with a knife
Got a speeding ‘ticket’ today