Day plus 10950 after the 5.13.5 firmware update
Pixellizer v2 - now supporting terminal rendering, gif outputs, pixel-sized results, logs and absolute/relative paths to the image
Monty Hall Paradox simulator in GO - Quick and interesting project
Bonjour !
Why is Macron so disliked in France?
🤮 C'est vraiment alarmant ce genre de dechets, signe d'une fascisation de l'occident.
writing a lesson book for my younger sister who is turning 18
My girlfriend wants me to stop talking to a childhood friend
A close friend gave me Althaïr from PDM as a present.
Ok this game… officially rigged.
Is Octopath Traveler (original) worth buying after playing the sequel?
Predefined Rolls ? No Problem ! New Airplane Mode Strategy Explained
The Ultimate APM Technique Right Now - Detailed AF
Predefined Rolls : Advanced APM/HR Tricks
I can't believe I slept on this game..
Can't believe I almost skipped OT2
This sub is in desperate need of more women’s joy / less man-centered posts
Looking for YOUR top fragrance pick for men.
Just brought back someone's sense of smell
If you could have a life time supply of one scent, what would you pick?
Question for men
When you describe what makes Go different from other programming languages, what do you say?
TIFU by getting catfished but still following through w my intentions
YSK practicing gratitude is a powerful way to shift your focus from what's wrong to what's right in your life.