What is your favorite uber killer?
Thoughts on this Dual Leech FCR ring?
New Ladder and im ready to quit...
Oath and unbending will, or oath and azure wrath? WW barb. Ssf
If anyone wants an eth shake hit me up Switch
What do you play? Ladder or normal?
Discuss my noob questions
What are your personal ethics regarding hero editor in single player?
Why is my boy Razan still frozen?
PoE player, coming back to my roots
Camels are underrated and POSSIBLY better than horses
So I found this!
Didnt switch fast enough
Can it please be Azurewrath?
Its been a day
Searching for Andy's for months - didn't expect this
Welcher Football-Verein ist meistens mittelscharf?
Two of the same item tz andy
How to get gold?
Es gibt #metoo für echte sexuelle Belästigung
Warum haben diverse Leute in Großstädten selten Bock, zu Zielen außerhalb ihres Bezirks zu fahren?
RNGods giving it all at once
First SSF Ubers
Nooooo! (Ssf)