Do you think A Great Chaos is better than I am music?
[ When The Attribute Points Start Stacking Up ]
¿Isn't this offside?
[DAZN] Gavi’s response to the trainer asking him what the date is: “I have no f*cking idea.”
Paranoid is at the level of overseas?
Chernobylite is a good game?
How do you think Ken will do in 2025?
Whats the most underrated song on a great chaos?
Which artist should I collaborate with Ken?
Who else wants to bring 2021 Speed Back?
Which one do you think is the best? I really like fighting my demons
some name that has aura?
I was at fridays w my girl and they had ken playin on the music shii 😭
Did you try the new my first gran Turismo?¿Do you think it's good?
Si pudieras volver a ver una película por primera vez, cuál sería?
Concept cards + new icon for the ultimate succession promo
is this good?
What y'all think? 🤔💭
Why did dances like jabba switchay out west and the others come back? in theory they were ban
I really like the new styles. Do you think they are good?
We want you 🦘🫵🏿🇦🇺
¿I'm the only one who hears this?
As a Messi fan I think the skin is trash. What do you think?