What’s this under my cats claws? It seems to hurt him
Neighbors cat is hurt and they won’t take him to the vet
Is it possible to have too many isos in one colony?
My girl just struck twice
What are they doing?
She knows she’s cute
My jumper is testing me with her pincers
My cat recently got a huge lump on the side of her head?
Why does my cat do this obsessively every night?
Can somebody send me cat pics pls I’m going to cry, having a bad day rn
Should I be concerned?
What are these small white larvae?
Isn’t she lovely 🥰
This is cracking me up 😝
Nsfw- looking for someone to edit a video onto my boyfriends phone screen
AITA my boyfriend didn’t see me
More than one type of isopod?
Help! Ant infestation in bioactive gecko enclosure :(
NGVC: “Girls only like toxic guys”
Finally some success with isopods in a semi-arid!
AITA? Boyfriend (26m) can’t take criticism, starts arguments and accuses me (27f) of not listening.
Siblings 🙄
TW: extremely graphic hunted prey /s
Sleepy void with bonus toe beans
Gave him a bath yesterday. I can't tell if he's forgotten or forgiven me