Do you think Mongolians really have higher testosterone level? Like top 1%?
Do you think monogamy’s purpose is for equality of women vs men or equality of high value men vs low value men?
Thoughts on promiscuity?
Friend is falling into the "divine feminine" rabbit hole
Do you think monogamy is created for women’s benefit or low-value men’s benefit?
Starry Eyes (2014) - happy ending???
How do you deal with a sticky face going to sleep at night? Do you use a special pillowcase? [misc]
Why is the Sex Industry in Mongolia so controversial?
How do you know originator of the collaboration post?
Is Mufasa a Flop or Hit?
Monogamous marriage is enabling every undeserving man to get a woman.
How can I successfully approach white women as an autistic black man ?
What is the controversy?
Tech recruiters in San Francisco?
Why are Asian fetishized
Why do guys assume that easygoing personality= easy?
What do you guys want the next Lion King film to be about?
My boyfriend (32M) only wants to post me (29F) on his Instagram as a collaborator post, not his own individual post of us, and it’s confusing me, is this weird?
Any other Asian-Americans here?
My crush is finally single. I'm happy
Asian women more popular than white women?
Mufasa: The Lion King - Have Faith In Her [Deleted Scene]
My brother is schizophrenic, sectioned for 2.5 years and refuses any help or accept that he has the condition
Why would a guy ask a girl or show interest to her in front of others, not privately?
please dont lecture me on morality, this girl has a bf and i think she likes me, how do i make my move on her?