ITAP of the Vatican
ITAP of a windmill
God forbid girls have peas/gravy and mash
Dressing in a full suit for a Spirit flight is now a “power move.”
This will be me in 10 years
Stratospheric clouds over Lapland
Ladies if your back hurts bc of your breasts, just work out 🤪🤪
This guy is insufferable
How to show your Excel knowledge on Linkedin
sometimes i can’t believe someone as perfect as jungkook farts
ITAP of a woman in body parts workshop [Portrait] [NSFW]
Hate this
Sure every young woman wants a older man
Chungus, who's your bias in KAJ?
I think this Stay is lying. Feetlicks is definitely a womenz…right? RIGHT?!?
Roast r/fakedisordercringe
This isn't funny
Why Was The 8 Show Not As Successful as Squid Game?
He put the colours WHERE?!
Then why does it say "O senhor tem trinta segundos." and not "Você tem trinta segundos, senhor."? I'll tell you why - BECAUSE SLANG!!!
It is I, tye cheese
Average gathering