[L] [17m] My Girlfriend Survived Internal Decapitation
I think I got ghosted after a really good first date (or thats what I thought)
AIO- husband upset that *I* was upset, he has blocked me and said we should “call it”.
AIO GF used exs phone to text me
AIO is my boyfriend controlling or is he in the right
Husband cheated with my best friend
AIO i went thru my (ex) boyfriends phone and caught him cheating on me and then he turns it on me
What does my fridge say about me? 😂
Update: “What does my fridge say about me? 😂”
Give me your best
What does my fridge say about me?
What do I say about my fridge..
What my fridge says about me
Fellas…are we cooked?
Am I Overreacting to my roommates response about keeping the house clean?
My girlfriend of 6months (25F)just told me she has 3 kids im a (21M) How do i process this?
Smelling Sage but I’ve never burned it in this house?
25M profile review please. Not receiving any likes.
Hooked up my dual sense controller to steam, HELP
AITAH for using the correct pronunciation of my nieces name
AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend and suing him after finding out he secretly filmed us in bed and showed his friends?
Dishwasher/sink problems HELP!
Wife went crazy because our neighbor asked for help, am I in the wrong here?
I matched with a woman!