Snip snip <3
What is the trough in the capnograph waveform?
Ladies, who are your niche series crushes and why?
Why are you NOT afraid of death?
What no-sexual forms of intimacy do you do with your partner?
In your experience, how does living alone impact your ed?
Sugerencia r/place: RIP a DEP
what is up with the weird sound effects in season 6 I swr I don't remember these loud bells and dinging the first watch. its awful
Does anyone else have students with names like Tuna, Salmon, Watering Can, Curtain, and so on?
Confession time: I regret getting birds.
Why is it becoming more normalized for people to not get married?
How long before it feels good to run?
how on earth do i get my cockatiels to eat pellets?!
Cockatiel imitating toy bird
What are some of the songs your cockatiels enjoy?
What well known movie have you never seen?
Why are you on reddit right now?
Guy I’m seeing told me he wants to move in after 2 weeks?
Why are you single?
[Spoilers] - The Rains of Castamere
UK Netflix in English, no CC but all text in Nerve is in Spanish??
Just cruising
Mark[39M, but lists his age as 25] poses for his tinder picture. He's sure all the young birds (18-22 only) are going to be so impressed with his kill. "Luv Huntin. Luv Fishin. Luv smashin. I am who I am some luv me some h8 me cause they don't kno me. Swipe right if you wana kno more!"
What’s the last thing someone said to you before they died?