We can accept cash now?
How many of y'all get tested for STD's?
Meanwhile, across town…
Do I get a T shirt atleast ?
Tupac’s music transcends race and gender
Couldn't have said it better my self 👌🏾
Crashing in a 1950s car vs. a modern car
Looking for a church that doesn't worship trump.
Eligible Black Bachelors of 1990. For over 50 years Ebony magazine showcased bachelors seeking marriage connections without the direct involvement of family. Interested women were usually given the man's secretary's number to schedule further telephone conversations/letter exchanges and dates..
So this ride popped up twice for me last night
What’s your Hogwarts house?
If Iron Man’s suit were made of wood (Wood Man), how would that change him as a character?
If laws and societal customs didn’t matter, what would you want done with your body after death?
What could your 5 year old self tell you so you can see how far you’ve come in life?
What was your first job?
How can we boycott Starlink?
What’s your top 5 black movies?
He is not well.
NIN fans, what's your favorite Depeche Mode album? Mine is Black Celebration, which happened to be Trent's favorite.
Does Trump *Even* Want To Pardon Chauvin?
Who should play Black panther in upcomimg films.
What is your dream car?
What is being a man to you
Passenger left her baby in my suv to make sure I didn’t leave at her stop