January to March swapped 10 beers a day for three chicken breasts a day, a little more boring, but it works [32]
We lost our wealthiest poster today.
Have we finally reached the dying breaths of the old organic user driven internet?
I'm white and say the N-word all the time (hear me out)
top news story in northern ireland today
guys will realize they spend 4 hours a day on their phone and then their only response is to “seriously consider” deleting social media apps once a month before forgetting
I’ve begun dating again (it’s not the hell that I thought it would be)
Apple is becoming the Nokia of the 2020s
I hate when my husband stands next to me while I am sitting
MRI results - does this seem like a surgical situation?
Why are people still having children?
Why do almost all rentals have open kitchen
Not able to read “RFID” rugs? Any thoughts?
Inheritance from boomer parents
Strange times for a man whose not into Asian women
2X userbase
I didn't understand the complaints about Indian migrants until my Internet was flooded with them.
dot ca
Would you move to Bangkok or Buenos Aires?
People need to stop being so down on NoFap
Omg she's striking...
I've been in India for about 60 hours and I'm already in hospital for food poisoning
Always happy ❤️
Miss bro
Smoking is so sublime