Today I realised I’m a woman who gets no compliments, and it’s sucks
Why will/won't you buy the Switch 2?
How is this possible?
Moving in and sharing expenses, partner owns house outright
I found this in my grampa's house
The perfect greenhouse- we’ve arrived 🤤
What do you do for your significant other because they like it but you don’t necessarily like doing it?
Replaced my old boots with the same model, 7 years later.
What should I add to my farm
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
How do you stay sane during the long dark Canadian winter?
Older people of reddit, how different was life before social media?
AIO for refusing to visit the US, with my American boyfriend until the 51st state rhetoric and tariffs stop
Having a baby in today's uncertain times
Albums that slapped back in the day but now you’re in your 30’s are actually not that great anymore.
what is it REALLY like having 2 cats??
DeSantis mocks '3.3 million' Canadians who visited Florida: 'Not much of a boycott'
who else loves this gosh darn song. It's so catchy
Cat is ruining my sleep every night
People with multiple cats: do your cats like each other?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
Songs you will not listen to unless it's the live version
What is this sub's opinion on The Offspring?
Who would you do for Snatch Game
Spotify is not punk.