Claims I got the past couple of days! 🥰
Perfume campaign
excited for this one (Mugler perfume)
Walmart is recalling apple juice due to high arsenic levels. Why is arsenic in it in the first place?
Ga - No deposit date after renewal?
Baby girl is only a few weeks away! Which of these gets your vote?
My NICU baby finally Latched!
Opinions on our name choice - promise not to be offended 😂
My mom fat-shamed me for Thanksgiving
Had our baby girl this morning, need some help deciding on a name!
Adult Swim: How an Animation Experiment Conquered Late-Night TV Cartoon Network’s nighttime adult programming block, which turns 20 this week, was built on lo-fi animation techniques that were as much a no-budget necessity as an aesthetic choice
I believe we have a name! What do you think?
My supreme box has shipped!
Since I’ve been viewing a lot of collection posts (to see what other decks I should get lol), I figured I’ll post mine! 30 decks. Taking a pic of all of them really made me want to pause on my buying. Let me know if you have any questions about any of them.
lil neon vibes on this pale skin
Emily walked me through making some extra cash.
Look what I found: the original series of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy radio show in a podcast format 👍
What food did you think you hated, but just never had cooked right?
You never forget what you wanted to do just a second ago.
New York halo (shot in Oct.2017 on holiday)
Family RW mom thought Sausage Party would be a great harmless kids movie to play on TV
New York’s Hottest New Club is TIGER KING
Can we get rooms to chat at night?
That's what it's like
I serve no purpose