Metro Micro is getting a shiny new app –– here's what you need to know | The Source
Phoenix to Increase Sales Tax to Shore Up Budget Shortfall
The new fare gates are working! - Pittsburg Center had a 6% increase in paid exits the first week of having the new fare gates
Do you remember the time around 2018 when Beverly Hills High School students protested (stop the purple threat) about the D-line extension, one of whom dressed as Grimace in a Thanos suit.
Some People: You can't span a transit fare card across cities, or counties!! Meanwhile: EZFare spans multiple states.
It’s a start!
Out of State Cards Declined
Driving on I-84 in Pennsylvania and seen a couple of Chicago Transit busses. Was wondering what they were doing this way?
People wonder why public transportation has a bad rep when they're the ones screwing it up for the rest of us. Can we all agree to not perpetuate negative stereotypes of public transportation users?
People fed up with the new fare gates not showing balance.
When your phone connects to a coffee shop weak WiFi diagonally across the street instead of just using 5G.
Does BART do anything about fare evaders who piggyback through the gates (even the new ones)?
Billboard in Alabama
LA Metro plans to approve Vermont BRT alignment at March 2025 meeting
If you could transfer one transit system from one non-American city to another American city, what would it be?
What's with the single lane bus lanes on the IndyGO BRT system?
Not putting a clock on these displays was a major oversight…
Waymo needs to really integrate with public transit better.
Late night coffee shops
Paying for FSD is like having an HOA fee lol
Via Rail hits new high for late arrivals between Québec City and Windsor. Passenger trains are forced to slow at rail crossings in dispute with CN Rail
Metro Connector hours
sooo.. how does the valley metro app work???
The Problem with Check-in Time
Metra considers changing the names of all its lines, asks public to weigh in