a still-ongoing (somehow) cycle recap
umich wl
bu a!!!!!
vandy wave possibly ⁉️
fordham a yay!
Michigan no movement
GULC waitlist tap in
If I miss the Fordham wave today
umich r wave survivors - date changes?
USC A!!!
Don't Want to Be That Guy... but 172 and 3.71 for T14?
gulc wave today do we think????
ucla r 💔
Best seasonal swirl?
thoughts on benefit’s boxed blushes revamp?
It's ugly, but it works! (Bad packaging, great product)
A at BC
Decision made
What is the pettiest reason you would refuse to attend a school? (other than not getting accepted, of course, lol)
KJD Backup Plans?
i plagaraised on my english class paper and now i will get expelled
psyc 2500 w/lundquist?
Which dining halls are the least busy?